Export Quickbooks

This LDMax feature enables users to sync and pass some informations processed by LDMax to their "Online" Quickbook Account. It is useful in a way to eliminate further redundancy of work and make sure that information inputted is completely identical.

You can find this feature under Billing->Export Quickbooks->Export to Quickbooks

Getting Ready for Export
In order to get this ready, LDMax will be needing the Company ID of your online QB account. Below are the steps how:

1.) In the upper right menu bar, click the "Settings" icon

2.) Under "Your Company", click "Account and Settings"

3.) Under the Account and Settings area, click "Billing and Subscription" and copy the "Company ID"

4.) Paste the ID to LDMax "Company ID" textbox and hit "Save"

Connect or Disconnect your Online QB Account to LDMax

A.) Connect to QuickBooks - By default, LDMax will give u a status of "Not Connected" even though you already have the Company ID saved. In order to connect, you should follow the procedure below:

1.) Click the QB button named "Connect to QuickBooks" (Make sure that you are already "Signed In" in your online QB account to do this, because Intuit will ask authorization to connect in your actual account later.)

2.) After clicking that button, an Intuit App Center page will appear. This will let you authorize Intuit to share your LDMax data with "LDMAX QB Application" by clicking Authorize button.

3.) After hitting the Authorize button, you will be redirected back to LDMax page with a status of "Connected"

B.) Disconnect to Quickbooks - On the above screen shot, just hit the red button "Disconnect"



Invoice Checkout

In order to proceed in exporting, invoice numbers are mandatory inputs. There are two ways to input invoice numbers. The first one is to type it in or manually input it and the second one is to use "Invoice Checkout" via Date Invoiced. Invoice checkout only needs the start and end date, then just click the Invoice Checkout button. Kindly see below screenshots:

Sample 1: When no invoice Found

Sample 2: When the system found invoice(s) based on the date range given, it will automatically be inputted under "Invoice Numbers"

Start Exporting

Now that we are already connected to LDMax QB App, the next thing will be the actual exporting of data. Kindly use the following steps below to begin with:

1.) QB Customer Checkout

      - This will make sure that the customer name will be the same from what is being inputted in client details under the field named QBCustDispaly Name, QB Cust. Title, QB Cust. GivenName, QB Cust. MiddleName, QB Cust. FamilyName, QB Cust. Suffix, and QB Cust. Company is the same with what is currently assigned in your Online QB customer details. If it is not present then this will automatically add as one of your "Customer" so make sure that you filled it up in the LDMax client details.

Figure 1. Screen shot under Client Detail


Figure 2. After hitting the "QB Customer Checkout" button



2.) QB Item Checkout

      - This will carry all the items used in this invoice and added it up to your QB account.

Figure 3. After hitting the "QB Item Checkout" button (same as customer information, it will just add those items that are not present in your QB Account)


3.) Export

      - Now everything is ready to be exported, hit Export button to export invoice information.

Figure 4. After Clicking "Export" button





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