Manage E-Sign Queue (Attorney)

The use of this feature is to apply ATTORNEY digital signature of documents approved via Client Interface. Basically the user in the office submit dynaform documents to the queue, then in the Client Interface home page they can see there the submitted documents under their case. Clients can check print (no approval yet), direct approve, and approve then print. Both office system users and clients can track those documents. Before you can use this feature, you need to setup first your client attorney configuration and apply the dynaform code for it to work.

How to:

1.) Setup Attorney Signature - Go to Menu Config->General Setup->Clients->Click on Client Name to go to client configuration->Click on the Attorney name access configuration->Click on the button Choose Signature Image ->then lastly hit Add New Signature.

2.) How to Send Dynaform to Queue for Client Interface Approval - You just have to simply go to your Case Screen->Choose some Job->Hit Dynaforms->Choose the dynaform document to submit->then just hit the button Queue For Signature, upon clicking this button the document will automatically appear on your client interface as well as on your Manage E-sign Queue page

3.) Check or Track Your Submitted Document - Go to Menu Jobs->Manage E-Sign Queue (Attorney)

4.) What Code should i use to automatically generate this E-Sign upon approval



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